Our word of the week (one of our day calendar words) is Squinny: We should NOT have squinnied at our soft pretzel recipe tonight. One thing that I, Ginny, consistently struggle with is reading a recipe all the way through before I begin. For two chicks that love our pretzels, we should have been more cautious. I still can't even tell you what we did wrong...In short, four hrs and two separate batches later they tasted like pretzel biscuits.
Could be because Abigail is a vegan and doesn't use eggs to bake though....
Tortilla chips |
Personally, I was super excited to show off how good we were at making delicious foods for girly nights around the house.
My infamous homemade tortilla chips were a success with some delicious and some times spicy guacamole. If you ever want to impress guests, take corn tortillas and cut them up. Lay them on a cookie sheet, spray with PAM and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes and viola!
Also, the key to quality guacamole is LOTS of cilantro. Mash up your ripe avocado, squeeze a slice of lemon or lime, as much cilantro as you can fit in the bowl, add a pinch of salt and perhaps a spoon full of salsa.

The highlight of the night in the kitchen was probably the impromptu duet of Defying Gravity. Our audience of friends was highly pleased. To quote one of them, "I cannot believe you aren't on Broadway yet!!!!" And that, of course, is a lie; no one really said it. But everyone was thinking it. Abigail's comment post performance, "Now that's how you do the dishes."
Note to self: Always check "Over all time" not just "prep time" when baking...30 mins vs. 3 hrs.
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