Sunday, January 13, 2013

Zumba Night

After a full day of dancing at school, auditioning 73 kids for my dance company, I pumped my weary body up for a little zumba-ing at the Club Green Valley.

For those of you living in Greensboro, Ginny and I are going to try different organized social activities and review the experiences on the blog. Hopefully it will inspire you to try some new things in GSO as well. So, if you come across something interesting to do, post it and we will rise to the challenge- slaying apprehension in one fell swoop. (I will always take a dare, unless it's cray which case I take a second to think about it before barrelling forward.)

Zumba with Braden Cook is so fun. When I lived in Charlotte I would take Zumba classes at the Siskey YMCA, and they were good, but this was better. Reasons why Braden was better:

  1. The music. He doesn't just use Latin or techno-fused-African stuff, he plays main stream and pop music too.
  2. The size. It's not so crazy crowded that you can't breathe, like other classes I've attended, everyone person has room to move.
  3. Braden himself. He fuses real dance and aerobics together well so it doesn't feel like an 80s workout video but more like a dance class. The dancer in me is appeased and the fat girl in me is challenged, and the teenage-sleepover-let's-jump-on-the-bed-and-sing-into-our-hairbrushes side of me is DEF won over.
  4. Body ached the next day. I know that it was beneficail because my butt, legs, and core hurt the next day.
  5. I went with three of my dear friends and it was just as much a social activity as a workout
Well Done Zumba, you captured my heart once again.

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